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  • There are many types of emergencies, but initial care is similar: stay calm, keep your dog warm and quiet, contact your veterinarian, and get help to transport your pet to a veterinarian. Common emergencies are described including gastric dilatation and volvulus (GDV), acute hemorrhagic diarrhea, anaphylaxis, automobile injury, seizures, respiratory distress, eye injury, eclampsia, heatstroke, heart failure, toxin ingestion and collapse.

  • Dilated Cardiomyopathy in Dogs

    La cardiomiopatía es una degeneración del músculo cardiaco que hace que el corazón, que es básicamente una máquina de bombeo, desarrolle una insuficiencia de forma progresiva.

  • Degenerative Joint Disease in Dogs

    Se trata de un término más apropiado para describir la artritis crónica (osteoartritis) que consiste en un deterioro gradual del cartílago articular.

  • Prostatic Disease in Dogs

    La próstata es una glándula localizada cerca del cuello de la vejiga urinaria de los machos. La uretra pasa a través de ella justo a la salida la vejiga. Su función consiste en producir algunos fluidos que forman parte del semen canino.

  • Epileptic seizures in pets are a diagnosis of exclusion and may be found in any dog but there may be some breed predispositions that are more common. The cause is often unknown. A variety of medications are available to help control the seizure activity if an underlying cause is not found.

  • Ethylene glycol, a sweet-tasting, odorless liquid, is the active ingredient in antifreeze. Ethylene glycol can also be found, in lower concentrations, in some windshield de-icing agents, hydraulic brake fluid, motor oils, solvents, paints, film processing solutions, wood stains, inks, and printer cartridges. Ethylene glycol is poisonous to dogs: as little as half a teaspoon per pound of a dog's body weight can result in death. Immediate treatment is essential.

  • All glues containing isocyanate and diisocyanate can expand. Pets exposed to a very small amount of wet or liquid expanding glue may consume enough product to be problematic. Foreign body obstruction due to a mass of expanded glue in the stomach is the most common outcome in dogs ingesting expanding wood glues. After abdominal X-rays confirm the presence of a glue mass and obstruction, surgery is required to remove the mass, or endoscopy in mild cases. The prognosis for recovery from expanding glue ingestion depends on the removal of the mass.

  • Injuries to the eye and surrounding areas of the head and face are relatively common in horses and ponies due to their inquisitive nature and as a result of "arguments" with each other and with structures such as stable doors, fence posts, trees, etc.

  • Fading puppy syndrome describes puppies that decline in health and die within about two weeks of birth. Neonatal puppies are fragile and so there can be many causes of this syndrome including birth defects, inadequate care from the mother, poor health status of the mother and/or infectious diseases. As well as addressing a specific cause, treatment focuses on maintaining hydration and warmth while providing adequate nutrition. Environmental hygiene is extremely important.

  • There are several common diseases or conditions that may affect the pet ferret. Like dogs, ferrets may get heartworms, distemper virus, heat stroke and a variety of cancerous conditions. Yearly veterinary health examinations are recommended to assess the presence or absence of any of the diseases listed above.