African greys are vulnerable to both calcium and/or vitamin A deficiencies, as well as obesity. Feeding a well-balanced diet and making sure your parrot consumes the proper proportions of foods offered will help prevent the development of these conditions. Pellets are the ideal food for your pet African grey and should represent approximately 75-80% of your bird's diet. The remainder of the diet should be comprised of fresh fruits, vegetables, and a small amount of seed (if any).
African grey parrots are highly intelligent birds and are now commonly bred in captivity as pets. The African grey has a charming personality and is recognized as one of the best talkers among all pet parrots. It is important to keep these smart birds busy, as boredom can lead to problems, such as feather picking and screaming. African greys require regular, preventative veterinary health checkups.
This handout discusses preparing to travel by airplane with your dog. This includes planning your flight, ensuring you are following import regulations for your country of destination, and what to do when your arrive.
Atopic Dermatitis (Atopy) in Dogs
Una alergia es un estado de hiper-reactividad o hipersensibilidad del sistema inmunitario a una sustancia particular llamada alergeno. Los perros con alergias desarrollan una reacción de hipersensibilidad a sustancias como pólenes, saliva de la pulga y otros.
Food Allergies in Dogs
La alergia alimentaria es sólo una de las al menos cinco alergias o hipersensibilidades específicas que se conocen en los perros. Todos sabemos que hay personas alérgicas a ciertos alimentos, como los cacahuetes o las fresas, y hace relativamente poco que se descubrió la existencia de alergias alimentarias también en perros.
Flea Allergy Dermatitis in Dogs
La piel de mi perro siempre está muy reactiva y cada verano tiene que medicarse. Le han realizado recientemente unas pruebas y me han dicho que tiene una dermatitis por alergia a la picadura de la pulga. Sin embargo, yo nunca le he visto pulgas a mi perro. ¿Es correcto el diagnóstico?
Allergies in Dogs
Una alergia es un estado de hipereactividad o hipersensibilidad del sistema inmunitario a una sustancia particular llamada alergeno. La mayoría de alergenos son proteínas.
Atopic Dermatitis (Atopy) in Dogs
La alergia es una de las enfermedades más frecuentes en los perros. Las alergias cutáneas se encuentran entre los problemas más habituales, difíciles y frustrantes con los que se enfrenta el veterinario.
Amazons are vulnerable to calcium and vitamin A deficiencies, and when fed a predominantly seed-based diet, they are prone to obesity. Feeding a well-balanced diet in the proper proportions will help prevent the development of these conditions. This handout provides guidelines for providing your Amazon parrot with an optimal diet to thrive and flourish.
Some commonly kept Amazon parrots include the double yellow-headed Amazon, yellow-naped Amazon, blue-fronted Amazon, green-cheeked Amazon, and orange-winged Amazon. They bond readily, often with one member of the family. This one-on-one bond occasionally may lead to aggression towards others. Amazons are generally very affectionate and often solicit petting and head scratches. Like all pets, Amazon parrots require regular, preventative veterinary health check-ups.