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Zoonotic Diseases

  • Cheyletiellosis in rabbits is a condition caused by the common rabbit mite, Cheyletiella parasitovorax. This mite’s effects are sometimes called "walking dandruff" because they are large, whitish mites that crawl across the skin and hair of a rabbit and cause excessive flaky skin. Other clinical signs of cheyletiellosis include itching, scratching, and hair/fur loss. This species of mites can live in the environment for a short time and affect people and other animals, so it is important to follow your veterinarian's recommendations for treating the environment and all pets in the household.

  • The birth of a baby or the adoption of a new child can be associated with both excitement and stress. It is important to prepare your pet for the new addition. Before the baby arrives, introduce novel sounds and scents, and be sure your pet has access to safe resting spaces. Socialize your young pet to children from the start. Children should be directly supervised by an adult when they interact with pets.

  • Chlamydiosis (psittacosis, parrot fever, ornithosis) is a common disease of birds caused by a bacterial organism called Chlamydia psittaci. Birds with chlamydiosis exhibit a decreased appetite, weight loss, lethargy, diarrhea, nasal or ocular discharge, a fluffed-up appearance, and breathing difficulties. Testing and treatment are discussed. Chlamydiosis is a zoonotic disease, meaning that it can be passed to humans, so all new pet birds should be tested for this disease.

  • There are several problems that can occur in aquatic turtles. This handout discusses the most noted problems: calculi, tissue prolapses, irregular shell growth, shell fractures or trauma, algae on the shell, skin and shell sloughing, Salmonella infection that can be passed to humans, dystocia, and hibernation.

  • COVID-19 is a disease caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Current evidence suggests that person-to-person spread is the main source of infection. While there is evidence of transmission from humans to dogs and cats, it does not appear common. If you suspect that you are ill with COVID-19, you should take the same precautions with your pet as you would with people.

  • Cryptosporidium is a species of single-celled parasite that can infect your dog through the gastrointestinal tract. Clinical signs such as diarrhea and weight loss may only be seen in immunosuppressed patients, including puppies. These patients may need supportive care and other treatment to control disease. Certain Cryptosporidium species can be spread between pets and humans, making this parasite zoonotic.

  • Echinococcosis refers to being infected with a tapeworm of the genus Echinococcus and is primarily a parasite of coyotes and foxes. Infected dogs are usually asymptomatic, but in both dogs and humans the parasite can cause large cysts to form within the lungs and liver. E.multilocularis is treated with praziquantel and in most cases the prognosis is good.

  • Encephalitozoonsis is a parasitic infection that can affect the kidneys, eyes, and nervous systems of rabbits. Many infected rabbits do not develop clinical signs until they are older or if they become stressed or immunocompromised. Common signs that may develop include heavy white plaques/growths inside one or both eyes, head tilt, eye twitching, and tremors or seizures. Treatments are available, though not all rabbits respond.

  • Lyme Disease in Dogs

    La enfermedad de Lyme está causada por una espiroqueta, Borrelia burgdorferi. Una espiroqueta es un tipo de bacteria. La enfermedad de Lyme se transmite a los perros a través de la picadura de una garrapata. Una vez en el torrente sanguíneo, el organismo de la enfermedad de Lyme será transportado a diferentes partes del cuerpo y puede llegar a las articulaciones. Antes se pensaba que sólo un tipo concreto de garrapatas podían transmitir la enfermedad, pero ahora parece ser que muchos tipos de especies están implicadas. El tipo más común de garrapata portadora de la enfermedad de Lyme es la garrapata ciervo.

  • Giardiasis is an intestinal infection caused by a microscopic protozoan. These parasites attach themselves to the intestinal wall and the damage causes an acute, sudden onset of foul-smelling diarrhea. Diagnosis may be by routine fecal flotation or presumptively based on clinical signs. Fenbendazole and metronidazole are the drugs most commonly used to treat giardiasis.